Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of the compliments I keep getting! Sometimes it is difficult to hear compliments. I like to give them, just sometimes it is difficult to receive them. I am going to make it a point to not brush them off and savour them. I also want to thank everyone for all of the inspirational messages I am getting. When I began my blog, I thought it would be an avenue to pass along information, or let someone else know it is ok to have a bad day. I had no idea that I would ever inspire someone to make a change. A lot of the messages I am getting are that I have inspired them to lose 10 pounds, or I have inspired them to make a drastic change in there life. I am completely humbled and overwhelmed. For years, I always felt like I was the one in the background. Yes, I was funny, but I was to large to be in front. Your messages have inspired me, to make a change to be in front! To show my children, they can march to their own drum and they don't need to bleed into the fore ground. Once again, I thank everyone for all of their kind messages! I don't delete them either, I keep them and when I am having a bad day, or things are rough, I look back and think things are not so bad!

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