Monday, November 22, 2010

Setting goals...

We all set goals for our self, the problem is they are usually huge!  Like for me I have always said I want to be a size 8.  The realism is, I set myself up for a fall.  Most people go for the big goal first instead of starting with baby steps.  Recently my husband had to make several changes in his life.  He set big goals, and he was disappointed that these goals weren't quickly being realized.  When we talked about it, I asked why such drastic changes so fast.  He didn't really know how to respond.  He said he this was what he wanted to achieve, like an end result.  So I said I was trying something different, if I utimately wanted to lose 75lbs I needed to start small. So I am going to say the big goal is 75, but I am going to start with 7.5.  10 percent. sounds small, but it enough to get you started.  Once you reach that goal you feel like this achieveable.  Like you can do it.  Start small and work up.  So we are trying it with our children.  We are trying to teach the kids to start with little goals, lead up to something bigger.  If we start small and the bigger picture happens, wonder how fantasic you will feel....

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