Friday, November 19, 2010


Well it is that time of year again, the holidays! How stressed are you? We are, in this house, feeling stressed to the max. Financial, emotional STRESS! It is so hard to be honest in our Canadian homeland.  I look around and see all how some of the people we know live.  We have a friend, this friend has been married for the past 10 years. The husband makes $30+ an hour and she works full time as well.  This friend has two children. He (the husband) has not filed a tax return in 10 years, and she has been filing single for the past 10 years. So she has been recieving a high child tax credit, gst credit, etc. So through this past year we have struggled, STRUGGLED!  Sometimes the pressure seems insermountable!  I have to say, there have been times where I think, lets just move and change our names!  But, from this incredible stress comes the knowledge of learning to deal. Now, mind you, it seems as though one mess gets cleaned up, the next mess begins, but we are continuing to learn from all of our issues.  A wise woman (my nan) once told me, God only gives you what you can handle.  It is infact the truth. We sometimes want throw in the towel, but when we do, we learn the easy way.  Just isn't the right lesson to be taught. I am sure one day my friends will learn their lesson, and who am I to judge?

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