Thursday, February 10, 2011

Diary of a shrinking fat chick-chapter 10

So I weighed myself yesterday, down to 275lbs! That is offically the smallest weight I have ever been since the age of 16. Which for me is an incredible feat! On the other end of the scope, I have been feeling crappy the past week. Feminine issues, as my husband puts it! I was told last week, that I may need to have a hysterectomy in the very near future. The thought of this is kind of scary. Not knowing what is going to happen to your body when it is all said and done! So after my consult with my OB, we decided to try another avenue. We are going to try another IUD and if that doesn't work then an ablasion. If that fails we will go for the hysterectomy. I have had sometime to think about having a hysterectomy. I am done having children, so what does it matter. I think it is what it represents for a woman. My doctor only wants to do it I'd absolutely necessary. I have a friend who just had it done a few weeks back, and she has been so ill from it! Which is one of the biggest reasons I am going to try the other options first. I know I am heading in the right path! Now if I could just get this eating thing happening!!

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